Landscape Architecture

Quarter ‚Alte Ziegelei‘, Munich

2006 bis 2015

The area was omitted and agriculturally used after the termination of the use of a brick factory 40 years ago. In the year 2006, the HI Wohnbau GmbH decided, to develop the area for residential use with a public park. The new housing district is divided in two different areas: The residences with gardens and the soft landscape, flowing into the arrangement of built form like green belts. A smooth net of paths, inspired by the character of nature paths, is running through the slightly wavy hilly landscape, in which troughs the rain water seeps out. The charme of past times can be rediscovered in the selection of plants and materials as well as in the preservation and maintenance of the machine house and the dry stick, reminding of the former use of the brick factory. The design of the green belts as a close to nature park allows for reducing the maintenance of areas to a minimum of effort and costs.

