We are glad to announce that we gained the 3rd prize in this competition together with Henn GmbH. Here a few words, describing the concept of [...]
The International Architecture Award 2021
13 Oct 2021
We are very pleased that our project with KSP ENGEL GmbH, the Great Mosque Djamaa El Djazair in Algiers, won the International Architecture [...]
We’ve moved
11 Oct 2021
We’ve moved We have expanded with our new premises in Munich. However, our address at Von-der-Tann Str. 7 has remained the same. You will now [...]
Wir freuen uns sehr über den 1.Preis beim Ideen- und Realisierungswettbewerb in Freising zusammen mit Schulz und Schulz Architekten GmbH und [...]
Baufortschritt Residenz der Deutschen Botschaft
14 Jul 2021
Bei unserem gemeinsamen Projekt mit Eller + Eller Architekten in Jakarta geht es voran. Gerade wird hier nach aufwendiger Verlegung der [...]
Architektouren 2021 - Filme
02 Jul 2021
Nun wurden auch die kleinen Filmbeiträge zu unseren ausgewählten Projekten veröffentlicht. Sie finden die Videos mit dem untenstehenden Link [...]
Architektouren 2021
04 Jun 2021
We are pleased that three of our projects have been selected for this year's Architektouren. The Architektouren are a yearly presentation of [...]
Construction progress Neustadt bei Coburg
12 May 2021
Now it's going to be GREEN! You can see the construction progress under the following link: [...]
Realization competition for housing in Freiham, recognition with Jo. Franzke general planner
12 Apr 2021
In the GEWOFAG realization competition, we received together with Jo. Franzke Generalplaner a recognition for our design. The ensemble consists [...]
Eller + Eller Architects together with Arup and Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects were selected as the first price winners in the [...]
We are pleased, about the award "Exemplary building in the Ortenaukreis 2014-2020" to the project "Brunner Innovation [...]
Construction progress Neustadt bei Coburg
25 Mar 2021
On the homepage 'Neustadt bei Coburg Baut Um' you can follow the construction progress under the following link. https://nec-baut-um.de/media/
Interview with Prof. Rainer Schmidt at Deutsches Architektenblatt German expertise for the cities of the future Click here for the article: [...]
Completion Nelson Mandela Square!
08 Mar 2021
Nelson Mandela Square completed! On September 15, 2020, Nelson Mandela Square was formally dedicated after approximately 2 years of [...]
Impressions from Munich - Happy Easter days
09 Apr 2020
Happy Easter days during grew Corona times do wish Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects and Urban Planners to our colleagues and project partners [...]
The location of new buildings at the lower edge of the hill allows that a maximally extended width of the site is to be developed with [...]
Öffentliche Vorträge UPAD/ GU TEC – 18th April 2019 – Muskat, Sultanat Oman – Einen Ort schaffen
06 Apr 2020
UPAD, Deutsche Universität der Technologie (GUTech) Prof. Rainer Schmidt/ Prof. Dr. Andrea Haase Im April 219 gab es eine Einladung zum [...]
The concept of built form arrangement and open spaces takes orientation in the existing structures. Units of built form are mainly surrounded by [...]
Siemensstadt 2.0 ist ein anspruchsvolles neues Stadtentwicklungsprojekt in bisher suburbanen Strukturen, bei dem eine Vielzahl von Anforderungen [...]
The establishment of the School creates a location of its own by the form-giving language of architecture and the surrounding formation of [...]
Das Konzept setzt einen neuen raumbildenden Akzent für Bodenrnutzung, öffentliche Wege- und Blickbeziehungen, Urbanität und Öffentlichkeit [...]
By telephone message of 3rd March, we learned that the office of Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects and Urban Planners GmbH had been selected [...]
Allianz- Bebauung
12 Jan 2020
The new building for Allianz offices concentrates the open space use within the yard on different levels. Not only roof terraces are used but [...]
Edinburgh Platz
12 Jan 2020
Die neue Wohnbebauung bildet offene Blockeinheiten. Die so umschlossenen Freiräume werden durch ein rechteckiges Netz wassergebundener [...]
General Electrics
12 Jan 2020
This complex of built form for offices demands exclusive space on un-built land. Built form is compact, framed in a space-building way by [...]