Office Buildings

Carrera Park City Schwabing, München

2010 bis 2010

In the north of the Munich district Parkstadt Schwabing, Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects + Urban Planners designed the exterior spaces on the private grounds of the Carrea office complex. The inner courtyard of the Carrea firm was to be made accessible for cars and had to be paved accordingly. Planted circles framed by Corten steel interrupt the “stone carpet” of the paving while accommodating seating and providing the experience of seasonal urban nature as an eye-catcher. Enclosed by the surrounding façades, the inner courtyard is marked by light colored, large sized concrete slabs and slimmer strips of dark slate. Round steel troughs with wingnuts are loosely dispersed over the outdoor area. Wingnuts are multi-stemmed trees with pinnate leaves, panicled blossoms and fruits and a shiny yellow hue in autumn, which produces an attractive, almost sculptural effect. The centre of the courtyard features a water basin. The russet color of the Corten gratings edged by the steel troughs form a harmonious complementary contrast with the subtleness of the ground covering pachysandra. The structure of the courtyard is extended by the same planted circles reappearing on the rooftop gardens. “Show landscapes” in the courtyard and on the roofs raise the experiential value and the quality of the location in an office landscape.

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