Landscape Architecture

Parkextension Killesberg- ‚Green Joint‘, Stuttgart

2008 bis 2013

The history of the height park Killesberg has its origin in the industrial use of the areal as a quarry. The park represents one of the most important and largest parks of the city of Stuttgart. The task is an open process with the premise, to create a forward-showing concept for the extension of the park Killesberg, combining ecology with economy and preparing for a new urban living environment. The design concept is to be understood as the inheritance of two themes, defining the Killesberg: the man-made quarries as hard topographies and the soft, close to nature landscape. The moving topography, made of grass-pillows and sunken paths, provide for a variety of different perspectives while walking through and mark additionally a coherent identity for bridging towards the height park Killesberg and towards the new areas of built form. The grass pillows of the park generate living environments for a variety of flora and fauna by their micro-climate conditions.

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